Sunday, November 18, 2007

Blogg Deep

Hey coop, internet.
We're leaving in less than a week and I'm feeling a little preparture anxiety. I'm currently brushing up on my Chinese. I've uploaded my study guide for the readers since you'll all be exploring with us, virtually. It's not complete by half, but I think we can probably pick up the rest through eavesdropping and great wall graffiti. (thank you SJB)
Unfortunately, here, on the week-eve of our webless world wide romp and right on the brink of thanksgiving, I'm starting to realize how much I love America. Consequently, this thursday I'll be celebrating Thanksgrieving. And, in great Thanksgrieving tradition, I've compiled a list of uniquely American things that I will be missing while abroad:

the USPS
underage drinking
guarded racism

1 comment:

liv said...

how d'you say "hot on top"?